5.407.1 Weather protection. : Provide a weather-resistant exterior wall and foundation envelope as required by California Building Code Section 1402.2 …
5.407.1 Weather protection. : Provide a weather-resistant exterior wall and foundation envelope as required by California Building Code Section 1402.2 …
5.106.1 Storm water pollution prevention for projects of one acre or less. : Develop a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan …
5.106.1 Storm water pollution prevention for projects of one acre or less. : Develop a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan …
5.504.1 Temporary ventilation. : The permanent HVAC system shall only be used during construction if necessary to condition the building …
5.303.3.4.1 Nonresidential lavatory faucets. : Lavatory faucets shall have a maximum flow rate of not more than 0.5 gallons per …
5.504.1 Temporary ventilation. : The permanent HVAC system shall only be used during construction if necessary to condition the building …
5.106.4 Bicycle parking. : Comply with Sections (for building types administered by CBSC) or (for building types administered …
5.504.1 Temporary ventilation. : The permanent HVAC system shall only be used during construction if necessary to condition the building …
The project meets all the requirements of Divisions 5.101 through 5.508.
5.504.1 Temporary ventilation. : The permanent HVAC system shall only be used during construction if necessary to condition the building …